Typhoid Vaccination
A serious bacterial infection from unsanitary food and drink, Typhoid may prove to be fatal.
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Typhoid vaccine
To vaccinate against typhoid we use Typhim Vi (Sanofi Pasteur)
Vivotif (Patientric Ltd)
Typhoid vaccine schedule
To protect against typhoid, a single dose is given every 3 years
Typhoid vaccine cost
Hepatitis, Tetanus & typhoid vaccines may be available under the NHS. Contact your surgery for more details
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The typhoid vaccine is recommended for travelers visiting areas where typhoid is endemic or where sanitation standards may be lacking. This includes backpackers, adventure travellers, missionaries, and anyone spending an extended period in regions with poor sanitation.
Children are thought to be most at risk of developing typhoid. This may be because their immune system (the body's natural defence against infection and illness) is still developing.
But children with typhoid fever tend to have milder symptoms than adults.
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